Monday, January 12, 2009

My letter for the Project

To my future great grandchildren,

I have written this letter to tell you what life was like in the 1800s and how it relates to your society to. Even though we are not from the same time and era, our society connects through more ways than we would have both imagine. We might not have had the technology that you might have at this moment but our inventions of this time laid the foundation for yours. A few of the inventions that I believed will hopefully helped you generation is the technological breakthrough of motion picture, the telephone, and the phonograph. I hope this will also help your generation in becoming more innovative and creative.
The motion picture has been looked down upon because some people did not understand its benefits. Some look at it as a joke but it can help write our history. Thomas Edison has been recording plenty of movie clips, one of which he showed the new elevated trains. His idea was revolutionary especially since it encouraged people from other countries to experiment in motion picture. It helped create different shooting techniques and rules for shooting the movies. I know by the time you read this motion pictures would be much more development, probably you would see a movie in sound but this is our way of showing you our past. I hoped you and the others value the invention but not treasure.
The telephone, which was recently invented, is a great invention but it seems to have more pros and cons than any other inventions. It helps you communicated more effectively with other people around in your city. It also helps people find out certain information. The only probably I have is that one day in a technology reaches a new height, the telephone might be a materialistic object. Sometimes it seems as though is worshipped instead valued because of how it eliminates troubles out of people’s lives.
Lastly, the phonograph is my favorite of all the inventions of my time. It has saved me time from going to the concert halls and has allowed me to play my favorite songs. It helps me relax, to be creative and become pastime for me in collecting music. However, this did pull some people a way from the concert halls but did become much more lively with all the parties and social gatherings that had the phonograph.
My advice to you is to make and invention that would stand nobody how much of an underdog it could be to other product. Make things that will help your children and your children’s children. Reinvent your society and create new wonders for the cultural world give them the life I never had.

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